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Welcome to Lievse's bodyworks..


I have always found health and nutrition facinating, to the extent of studying natural nutrition.  The health of our skin is an extension of this.  Through my studies I became enamored with Ayurveda and the Ayurvedic skin practices. 


I was inspired to create Lievse as I felt that there was a need in the Okanagan for natural, cruelity free, effective skin care.  While you can purchase some products on-line, I wanted to be able to see, smell and feel the products prior to committing.  From this inspiration came Lievse; a place to relax, shop and rejuvenate.


We strive to use and sell products that are natural, organic, cruelty free and environmentally friendly.  More than 70% of the retails lines that we sell in house are Canadian including our accessories and home decor items.



What is Derma Rolling?


A dermaroller works by pricking your skin and tricking your cells to renew by healing itself and producing more collagen for firmer youthful skin.


I was trained in Vancouver to treat specific conditions like acne, scarring, hyperpigm cherry angioma and other irregularities by using a tool that encourages your body to heal itself rather than utilizing treatments such as botox or chemical skin peels.




What is Ayurveda?






noun: Ayurveda

  • the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.


The products that we carry and the aesthetics that we offer carry the prinicpals of Ayurveda. "Ayurveda is based on the principles of three doshas. Doshas are the energies that make up every individual, which perform different physiological functions in the body."


Interested to know more?  Stop by for a visit! 




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